Trusts & Foundations
The solid chassis and framework for your asset protection vehicle.
Trusts and foundations (with the companies which often form part of their assets) are key tools for managing the wealth of individuals, families and corporate structures.
Carefully planned and managed, they can work to preserve, protect and accumulate wealth whilst promoting confidentiality and tax efficiency.
Various types of trust and foundation are available from a wide choice of international finance centres, including Guernsey’s own widely used discretionary trusts and personal foundations. Working with your professional advisers, we can set up and administer the most suitable vehicle for your particular needs and circumstances.
Trusts (and less frequently foundations) are the most commonly used vehicles for private clients, whether a small family trust or large complex international family offices. Family businesses can also benefit from ownership via a trust, especially where ownership of real property is included.

The provision of trust and foundation services is our core line of business, along with the formation and administration of companies and partnerships. We make sure that we fully understand our clients’ requirements and expectations from the outset, and work closely with them and their other advisors throughout the relationship to develop the best possible solutions.
IPG is an independent, owner-managed group so we are not tied to any other service provider. This means that our choice of bankers, investment advisors, lawyers and estate planners is completely unrestricted, and we can work with your existing providers or select the best fit for your particular needs from the globally available options.