Legal Notices and Policies
IPG Family Office Limited (IPGFO) is licensed, supervised and regulated by The Securities Commission of The Bahamas in accordance with the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act.
IPG Administration Limited (IPGA) is licensed, supervised and regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas pursuant to the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act. IPGA is also regulated and supervised by The Central Bank of The Bahamas in accordance with The Central Bank of The Bahamas (Amendment) Act, the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation (Amendment) Act, the Banks and Trust Companies (Private Trust Companies) Regulations and the Banks and Trust Companies (Private Trust Companies) (Amendment) Regulations.
IPG Switzerland GmbH (IPGS) is regulated by the Verein zur Qualitatssicherung von Finanzdienstieistulgen (Financial Services Standards Association (VQF)).
This website is owned by IPGFO. The information contained on this website is provided solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer to enter into contract or agreement or a solicitation of or recommendation to acquire a product offered by any of IPGFO, IPGA, IPGS or IPGT (IPG) or a recommendation to uitlise a service provided by IPG where prohibited by law. The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute specific financial, accounting, legal, tax or professional advice or replace any such advice. IPG will accept no responsibility for any reliance on the information contained on this website. Independent advice from a suitably qualified professional should be obtained prior to anyone taking any action in respect of matters set forth on this website.
‘Hypertext Links’ and/or ‘hyperlinks’ to other websites may be included at times as a convenience to the user. Such websites are outside the control of IPG. Thus, IPG assumes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of information contained on any linked website or for any incompatibility, inconvenience, contamination by computer viruses or worms, Trojan horses or any other destructive agent originating from these websites. IPG neither endorses nor approves links to other websites and the fact that such links may exist does not indicate approval, adoption, or endorsement of any material contained on any linked website, any services on such website, or the sponsoring organization of such website.
IPG’s products and services are available in The Bahamas, Switzerland and New Zealand and only in other jurisdictions where they may be legally offered or obtained.
The contents of this website may be supplemented, amended and updated at any time without prior notice. IPG is not responsible for any damage (direct, indirect, special, economic, consecutive, constructive, exemplary or punitive) incurred following use or unavailability of this website, its content, or any action or decision taken by you or another person based on the website, its content or any other unauthorized use or reproduction of the website or its content.
The use of the contents of this website for any other purpose other than in connection with the products and services offered by IPGFO is not permitted.
IPG shall not be liable for any actions taken or any omissions to act or any harm or loss suffered as a result of any e-mail message sent via this website. IPG cannot guarantee the confidentiality and security of information forwarded to IPG over the Internet or by e-mail and such information is sent at the initiator’s own risk.
The terms are governed and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. You agree that any disputes arising out of the Terms and Conditions or otherwise between us shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bahamian courts.
Complaints relating IPG must be addressed to the President & CEO at IPG Family Office, 2nd Floor, Montague Sterling Centre, East Bay Street, Nassau, The Bahamas.
IPG Family Office Limited
Lyford Manor (West Building)
P. 0. Box C.B. 13007, Western Road
Nassau, N.P. Bahamas
IPG Administration Limited
Montague Sterling Centre, East Bay Street
P. 0. Box N – 3924
Nassau, The Bahamas
IPG Switzerland GmbH
Olgastrasse 10,
8001 Zürich, Switzerland